Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Report output file send to user


# |
# Filename: REPORT_OUT_EMAIL_SH.prog |
# |
# Description: This script is developed to send the Shipping/Invoice Report |
# output to Email Id.The outfile taken from out directory is |
# sent to the EMAIL Specified. |
# |
# Revision History: |
# |
# Ver Date Author Revision Description |
# === ============ ==================== ==================== |
# 1.0 27-Apr-2011 Mahammad Sulthan Created the program |
# |
# |
# |
# |
#Parameters from 1 to 4 i.e $1 $2 $3 $4 are standard parameters
# $1 : username/password of the database
# $2 : userid
# $4 : Concurrent Request ID
echo "Start of the Program"
EMAIL=`echo $1 | cut -d " " -f9`
P_EMAIL=`echo $EMAIL | cut -d '"' -f2`
PATH_NAME=`echo $1 | cut -d " " -f10`
P_DIR=`echo $PATH_NAME | cut -d '"' -f2`
P_PARENT_REQUEST_ID=`echo $1 | cut -d '"' -f12`
echo "Parameters passed :"
echo "================================================= \n"
echo "Mail id :" $P_EMAIL
echo "Outfile Directory :" $P_DIR
echo "Parent Request Id : $P_PARENT_REQUEST_ID "
echo "================================================ \n"
echo " Email File Name : $P_OUT_FILE_NAME "

sqlplus -s $FCP_LOGIN <<!
X_req_id number;
X_dev_status VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
X_phase VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
X_status VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
X_dev_phase VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
X_message VARCHAR2(200) := NULL;
( request_id => ${P_PARENT_REQUEST_ID}
,interval => 300
,max_wait => 300
,phase => X_phase
,status => X_status
,dev_phase => X_dev_phase
,dev_status => X_dev_status
,message => X_message
end loop;

# Checking if output file exists. If yes, then mailing them else displaying no files found
if test -f $P_DIR/$P_OUT_FILE_NAME;
body=" Hi, \n \n This is an automated email, please do not reply to this email. Contact Helpdesk/Support Team for any further help. \n \n Thank You!"
(echo $body;uuencode "$P_DIR/$P_OUT_FILE_NAME" "$P_OUT_FILE_NAME") | mailx -m -s "Delivery Note Report" $P_EMAIL
echo "Report is completed and EMAIL has been sent to $P_EMAIL Successfully. "
echo "No Output files found to be sent in the mail"
echo "****************************************************************"

Monday, May 14, 2012

XML Publisher and Data Template - SQL Query to develop BI Publisher

The XML Publisher(XMLP / BI Publisher ) requires a Template layout and Data XML to generate the report in
PDF, EXCEL, RTF or HTML format .The Data XML can be generated from Oracle Report, OA Framework and Data Template.
Using this approach, you can develop BI Publisher reports in Oracle EBS, without having to develop an RDF report.
You can specify an SQL Statement in an XML file, and results of that SQL Statement are published as XMLP Output.

In this article lets understand the usage of Data Template with a small demo. In the next article we will discuss in detail the Data Template XML Schema.
The data template is the XML document whose elements communicate the following information to the data engine.
  • Data Query : The SQL query with bind parameter specifying the data to be fetched.
  • Bind Parameters : Definition of each bind parameter defined in the query.
  • Data Structure : Definition of the Output XML Structure.
  • Data Triggers : Triggers that should be executed before or after the data query execution. Triggers are used to either do initialization or do some post query operation.

Hence Data Template is the means by which we inform the data engine to fetch the data of our interest. Apart from the these , data template also contains other elements. To make our example simple and easy to understand, lets deal with the above 4 elements.

Sample Data template :

XML Publisher Data Template Architecture
The Data engine execute the Data template to generate the Data XML file . The Data XML file is then merged with the Template layout by the XMLP engine to generate the XMLP

Lets try to build a sample XMLP report to display Employee Details. The Following are the steps involved

Step 1: Design the Data Template XML File.
Step 2: Create the Data Definition in XML Publisher and associate it with Data Template
Step 3: Define a Concurrent Program to generate the Data XML File.
Step 4: Define the RTF Template using the Generated Data XML.
Step 5: Registering the Template with XML Publisher
Step 6: Execute the concurrent program to generate the PDF report.

Step 1 : Design the Data Template XML File.
This Data Template selects the employee details from the EMP table. The select query specifies the columns of interest. It uses a bind parameter to filter the employees of a particular department.

For each bind parameter in the query , we need to define a Parameter. In this case we have defined p_DeptNo parameter.

In the data structure element, we have defined the output XML structure. He we map the columns in the select query with the data xml elements.

Step 2 : Create the Data Definition in XML Publisher and associate it with Data Template
Using Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator --> Home --> Data Definitions --> Create Data Definition

Screen 1 : Enter the data definition Details and click on Apply. Note down the Code. The code should be used as the short name of the concurrent program.
Screen 2: Click on the "Add File" button against the "Data Template" Label.

Screen 3: Upload the Data Template XML file and Click on Apply.
Screen 4 : The Data Template is associated to the Data Definition..

Step 3: Define a Concurrent Program to generate the Data XML File.

Using Responsibility System Administrator --> Concurrent : Program --> Define.

Screen 1: Define a Concurrent Program With executable = XDODTEXE and Output Format = XML.

Screen 2: For each parameter in the Data Template, define a parameter in the concurrent program. The Data Template parameter name should match the concurrent program parameter token.
Screen 3: Associate the Concurrent Program to a request group.

Screen 4 : Execute the concurrent program "Employee Details Data Template Demo"and click on the output button get the Data XML. Save the XML file. We will use it to generate the RTF Template.

Step 4: Define the RTF Template using the Generated Data XML.
Install the Oracle XML Publisher Desktop available via patch 5887917. Open the Microsoft word. You should be able to see the following menus and toolbars.
Using the menu Data -> Load XML Data... , load the XML File generated from Jdeveloper
If the XML files gets loaded successfully, then you should get the below confirmation.

Using the Table Wizard as below to create the 'Table Report Format' with all the columns of EMP.
The Table Report Format Template should be like

Step 5: Registering the Template with XML Publisher
Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator --> Home --> Templates --> Create Template.
Enter the Template Name and other details. The Data Definition should be the data definition defined in the above steps. Click on the apply button

Step 6 : Execute the concurrent program to
generate the PDF report.
Open the concurrent program for submission and click on the option button to specify the XML Publisher Template defined in the previous step and Output type to be used. The options specified once gets stored . Hence if open the option window again, the template name and the output type will be available. Click ok button and run the concurrent program. When the program completes. Click on the Output button to see the PDF report.

XML Publisher using a Data Template and XDODTEXE

Create a concurrent program: Use the output format as XML

Define a Data Definition for the concurrent program:
Concurrent program short name and Data definition code has to be same.
Create the data template file and upload it while defining in the data definition

Save the output as .XML file:

Monday, April 30, 2012

Payment terms

Receivables lets you define standard payment terms for your customers to specify the due date and discount date for their open items.
Payment terms can include a discount percent for early payment and you can assign multiple discounts to each payment term line. For example, the payment term ’2% 10, Net 30’ indicates that a customer is allowed a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days; after 10 days, the entire balance is due within 30 days of the transaction date with no applicable discount.
Prepayment check box if you are defining a prepayment payment term. Receivables feeder systems, such as Oracle Order Management, can optionally implement business processes around prepayment payment terms to indicate that a particular business transaction requires the capture of funds before the delivery of a product or service.
Enter the Date on which payment is due for this installment term (optional). If you do not complete this field, enter a value for either Due Days or both Day of Month and Months Ahead

Default Payment Terms Hierarchy
Receivables use the following hierarchy to determine the default payment term for your transactions, stopping when one is found:
1. Bill–to site
2. Customer Address
3. Customer
4. Transaction Type
Predefined Payment Terms
Receivables provides the following predefined payment terms:
30 NET: The balance of the transaction is due within 30 days.
IMMEDIATE: The balance of the transaction is due immediately (i.e. on the transaction date). You can use this payment term with your chargeback and debit memos.
To define a payment term:
Navigate to the Payment Terms window and Enter the Name of the payment term.

1. Select the Prepayment check box if you are defining a prepayment payment term.
Receivables feeder systems, such as Oracle Order Management, can optionally implement business processes around prepayment payment terms to indicate that a particular business transaction requires the capture of funds before the delivery of a product or service.
2. To associate a credit check with this payment term, check the Credit Check box. Oracle Order Management uses this information to determine when to place an order on hold.
In Oracle Order Management, if the profile for an address does not have credit checking limits defined in a particular currency but the customer does, then the order passes credit check. If the address does not have limits in the currency and neither does the customer, then the order is compared to the customer limit in that currency.
3. If you do not want to let your customers take discounts for partial payments on items associated with this payment term, then uncheck both the Allow Discount on Partial Payments check box as well as the check box for the Discount on Partial Payment system option.
4. Enter the Discount Basis you want Receivables to use when calculating discounts for your invoices. Choose one of the following discount methods:
  • Invoice Amount: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the sum of the tax, freight charges, and line amounts of your invoices.
  • Lines Only: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on only the line amounts of your invoices.
  • Lines, Freight Items and Tax: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the amount of line items, freight, and tax of your invoices, but not freight and charges at the invoice header level.
  • Lines and Tax, not Freight Items and Tax: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the line items and their tax amounts, but not the freight items and their tax lines, of your invoices.
5. Enter the Installment Option for items assigned to this payment term. This indicates how Receivables will allocate the freight and tax charged to transactions using this payment term. Choose 'Include tax and freight in first installment' to include all tax and freight charges in the first installment. Choose 'Allocate tax and freight' to distribute tax and freight charges across all installments.
6. Enter the Base Amount for this payment term. The default is 100, but you can change it. The base amount is the denominator for the ratio Receivables uses to determine the amount due for installments of invoices to which you assign this payment term. The sum of the relative amounts for all of the payment schedules that you define for these payment terms must be equal to the value that you specify as a base amount.
If the base amount is different from the relative amount, and you set the Installment Options field for this payment term to 'Allocate tax and freight', Receivables prorates the base amount across the relative amounts of this term's payment schedules based upon the ratio you define. Receivables uses the following equation to determine the original amount due for each installment of invoices to which you assign this payment term:
Amount Due = Relative Amount/Base Amount * Invoice Amount
If you select 'Include tax and freight in first installment' as the Installment Options field value for a payment term, the base amount and the relative amounts that you specify for this term's payment schedules only indicate how the original line amounts of the invoices to which you assign this term are distributed across different installments.
In this case, the original freight and tax amounts are included in the first installment in addition to the line amount allocated by the ratio of the base amount and the relative amount that you specify for the term's first payment schedule. Receivables uses the following equation to determine the original amount due for the first installment of invoices to which you assign this payment term:
Amount Due = (Relative Amount/Base Amount * Base Line Amount) + Base Freight Amount + Base Tax Amount
7. If you want transactions assigned to this payment term to be printed before the due date, enter a number of Print Lead Days. Receivables will print this transaction x number of days before the due date, where x is the number of days you enter here.
8. Enter a range of Effective Dates for this payment term. If you do not enter an end date, this payment term will be active indefinitely.
9.1 Enter a line number for the installment term that you are defining in the 'Seq' field. Enter a higher number for each installment term with a later due date. For example, if you create terms with 50% due in 15 days and 50% in 30 days, enter '1' in this field for the first line and '2' for the second line.
9.2 Enter the Relative Amount for this payment term. This is the numerator of the ratio that Receivables uses to determine the amount due for this installment of these payment terms. The sum of the relative amounts for all of the payment schedules that you define for each payment term must be equal to the base amount for this term.
9.3 Enter the number of Days after the invoice date that payment is due for this installment term (optional). For split payment terms, this number indicates the number of days after the invoice date that an installment is due.
9.4 Enter the Date on which payment is due for this installment term (optional). If you do not complete this field, enter a value for either Due Days or both Day of Month and Months Ahead.
9.5 If you are defining proxima terms, enter the Day of Month that payment is due for this installment term. For example, if payment is due on the fifteenth of each month, enter '15.'
9.6 If you are defining proxima terms and you entered a value for Day of Month, enter the Months Ahead to which this installment term of the proxima terms refer. For example, if you entered '15' for Day of Month and you enter '2' here, an invoice dated in May will have a due date of July 15.
New in R12
If you want to use this payment term for balance forward billing, select an appropriate balance forward billing cycle from the Billing Cycle LOV.
  • Balance Forward Billing.
  • Balance Forward Billing Cycles.
  • Setting Up Balance Forward Billing.
Note: You cannot update the billing cycle, once a balance forward billing payment term is attached to a profile.
Because balance forward bills cannot be split across installments, in the case of a balance forward payment term:
Any value entered in Base Amount defaults to 100.
Installment Options becomes disabled and any data entered before selecting a cycle defaults to Include tax and freight in first installment.
You can populate only one row in the Payment Schedule section and the Sequence Number and Relative Amount values for the row default respectively to 1 and 100.
Date Due becomes disabled. However, you can populate Days, Day of Month, and Months Ahead.
Note: You cannot change existing payment terms from regular payment terms to balance forward billing payment terms and vice versa.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

SQL * Loader

What is SQL* Loader?

SQL*loader is one of the Oracle tool which will be used to transfer the data from Flat-File to oracle Database table.

We can find the fallowing files in SQL*loader
1. Flat or Data File
2. Control File
3. Bad File
4. Discard File
5. Log File

Flat Or Data File: This file contains the records in a special format; these records will be fetching for other legacy. The extension of these files might be .dat, .txt, or .csv (comma separated view).

Control File: This is SQL loader execution file, which will be used to transfer the date from file to table. In side of these control file, we will mention the Data file path, table name, column mapping. The extension of control file is .ctl

Control File Creation:

Load data
INFILE ‘Data File Path’
INSERT INTO ‘Table Name’
WHERE deptno = 10
(column1 , empno
column2, ename
column3, deptno)

Once we develop the control file we will execute this by using fallowing command
C:\> sqlldr user/passward @ Database Control = name of control file (with extension .ctl)
This command will start the control file execution, and it will try to read the data and inserting into table. After completion of this execution, automatically three files will gets created
Bad file
Discard file
Log file

Bad File: Bad file contain the records, which are rejected by the SQL*loader. SQL*loader will reject the records, when ever the Flat file format is not correct or if any internal error occurs it will rejected. The extension of bad file is .bad

Discard File: Discard file contains the records which are rejected by the control file, control file reject the records, if record is not satisfying the conditions, which we have mentioned inside of control files the extension of discard file is .dis

Logfile: It contains the complete info of the process, like no of records successfully loaded in to the table
No of records successfully loaded in to the bad file & discard file.
And where the bad, discard file gets created and time taken to complete the process.
Taking the complete log.

LOAD DATA statement is required at the beginning of the control file.
INFILE: INFILE keyword is used to specify location of the datafile or datafiles.
INFILE * specifies that the data is found in the control file and not in an external file. INFILE '$FILE', can be used to send the filepath and filename as a parameter when registered as a concurrent program.
INFILE '/home/vision/kap/import2.csv' specifies the filepath and the filename.
INTO TABLE is required to identify the table to be loaded into. In the above example INTO TABLE "APPS"."BUDGET", APPS refers to the Schema and BUDGET is the Table name.
FIELDS TERMINATED BY specifies how the data fields are terminated in the datafile.(If the file is Comma delimited or Pipe delimited etc)
OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' specifies that data fields may also be enclosed by quotation marks.
TRAILING NULLCOLS clause tells SQL*Loader to treat any relatively positioned columns that are not present in the record as null columns.

OPTION statement precedes the LOAD DATA statement. The OPTIONS parameter allows you to specify runtime arguments in the control file, rather than on the command line. The following arguments can be specified using the OPTIONS parameter.
SKIP = n -- Number of logical records to skip (Default 0)
LOAD = n -- Number of logical records to load (Default all)
ERRORS = n -- Number of errors to allow (Default 50)
ROWS = n -- Number of rows in conventional path bind array or between direct path data saves (Default: Conventional Path 64, Direct path all)
BINDSIZE = n -- Size of conventional path bind array in bytes (System-dependent default)
SILENT = {FEEDBACK | ERRORS | DISCARDS | ALL} -- Suppress messages during run
(header, feedback, errors, discards, partitions, all)
DIRECT = {TRUE | FALSE} --Use direct path (Default FALSE)
PARALLEL = {TRUE | FALSE} -- Perform parallel load (Default FALSE)

SQL* Loader Modes:

INSERT -- If the table you are loading is empty, INSERT can be used.
APPEND -- If data already exists in the table, SQL*Loader appends the new rows to it. If data doesn't already exist, the new rows are simply loaded.
REPLACE -- All rows in the table are deleted and the new data is loaded
TRUNCATE -- SQL*Loader uses the SQL TRUNCATE command.

C:\> sqlldr userid/passward@Database control=text1.ctl path=direct

SQL* Loader Paths: We can execution SQL* loader in two paths or nodes


By default SQL*loader will be running in conventional mode, if we want to run in direct mode will use the fallowing syntax
C:\> sqlldr userid/passward@Database control=text1.ctl path=direct
Direct mode will disable the table and column constrains and it will insert the data.
Conventional path will check every constrains, if it is satisfied it will insert the record
Conventional path is just like ‘insert statement’

SQL Commands Limitations:
to_date, to_char, upper, lower, Initcap, string, decode, nvl
when clause
sequence_name.next_value, Ref-Cursor
sysdate, ltrim, rtrim, constant

Structure of a Control file:
Sample CTL file for loading a Variable record data file:
OPTIONS (SKIP = 1) --The first row in the data file is skipped without loading
INFILE '$FILE' -- Specify the data file path and name
INTO TABLE "APPS"."BUDGET" -- the table to be loaded into
FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' -- Specify the delimiter if variable format datafile
OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' --the values of the data fields may be enclosed in "
TRAILING NULLCOLS -- columns that are not present in the record treated as null
(ITEM_NUMBER "TRIM(:ITEM_NUMBER)", -- Can use all SQL functions on columns
DIVISION_CODE CONSTANT "AUD" -- Can specify constant value instead of
Getting value from datafile
Skip columns:
You can skip columns using the 'FILLER' option.
Load Data
name Filler,
Empno ,
here the column name will be skipped.

Steps to Run the SQL* LOADER from UNIX:
At the prompt, invoke SQL*Loader as follows:
sqlldr USERID=scott/tiger CONTROL= LOG=
SQL*Loader loads the tables, creates the log file, and returns you to the system prompt. You can check the log file to see the results of running the case study.

Register as concurrent Program:
Place the Control file in $CUSTOM_TOP/bin.
Define the Executable. Give the Execution Method as SQL*LOADER.
Define the Program. Add the Parameter for FILENAME.

Oracle forms

Forms environment
Setting forms Environmen
Forms Componen
Property Palette
Item Type
Property Type
Alerts & Message
Property class and visual attribute
Data block
Data block through Wizard
Data block Manually
Data block Using Table and view
Multi Record Data Block
Read only Data block
Data block with Store Procedure
Master- Details Data block
Content Canvas
Tab Canvas
Horizontal Canvas
Vertical Canvas
Stack Canvas
Document Window
Dialog Window
Setting Window Dynamically
Trigger and Built-in
Type of Built-in and usage
Form level Trigger
Block Level Trigger
Item Level Trigger
Error Handling
Error handling trigger
Raise form trigger failure
List of Values (LOV)
Fixed LOV
Dynamic setting LOV
Record Group
Record group on Select stmt
Static Record Group
Run time Record group
Using Pl/Sql Objects
Program Unit
PL/Sql Library
Data base PL/Sql objects
Inherit and Subclass
Object Groups
Object Library
Using Copy and subclass
Not Related to Oracle Apps
Special Functions
Zooming a Form with parameter
Zooming a Report with Text parameter
Zooming a Report with Data parameter
DDL Statement in Form
Storing a photo copy through Image Item.
Using the chart item (Chart Control)
Default Menu and New Menu
Popup Menu
Projects: Super Market Retail Shop
This project will handled all the required transaction for a Retail Shop.
Oracle Apps Forms
New Module/Application Development Process
Creating a new Database schema
Registering the Database
Registering the application
Table Registration\
Table Registration using Ad-dd package
View Registration
Sequence Registration
Form Registration
Form Functions
Non-Form Functions
New Form Development Process
Template Form Architecture
Appstand Architecture
FNDMENU Architecture
Coding Standards
Name Conventions
Form development process
WHO information tracking
Queries find Window
Programming of Non-Form Functions
Creating New Profile
Using the apps built-ins
Introduction to Key and Descriptive FIEXFIEDS
Enabling a DFF
Value sets
DFF Registration
KFF Registration
Define a Key FIEXFIELDS Structure
Invoking DFF Form of New Form
Invoking KFF Form of New Form
Form Customization Process
Customization of Standard Oracle Form
Customization of Custom.pll
Zooming Functionality.
Customization of PLL
Form Personalization Process
Compare Customization of Custom.pll with Form Personalization
The benefit of form personalization
Applying the form personalization in standard form in diff level.
Working with Menu, Zooming, calling Database Procedure, Function
Forms used for presenting and manipulating data can be developed. It is GUI used for developing client server database application.
.FMB Form Module Binary
.FMT Form Module Text
.FMX Form Module Executable
1.Form Builder
It is used to create a form. The design and layout of data entry screens the creations of event driven PL/SQL code used for data validation and navigate can be done via form builder.
2.Form Compiler
It is required to compile the file created in form builder and create a binary file, which can be executable form runtime.
3.Form Runtime
It is used to run the complied code created by forms compiler.
1. Object Navigator
It is hierarchical browsing and editing interface that enables you locate and manipulate application objects quickly and easily.
2.Property Palette
It is used set and modify the properties for all objects in form modules.
3.Layout Editor
It is graphical design facility for creating and arranging interface items and graphical objects in your application.
4.PL / SQL Editor
It is the integrated functionality of oracle procedure builder that exists with in form builder. It provides:
Development of Trigger, Procedures, Functions and Packages
Development of libraries to hold PL/SQL program unit.
1.Form Module
It is a collection of objectives such as block, canvas, items and event based PL/SQL code blocks called trigger .
2.Menu Module
It is a collection of menu items. It can be main menu or sub menu.
3.PL / SQL Libraries
The library module is a collection of PL/SQL function and package stored ion a single library file. This library file is the attached to form / menu modules. All other objects in the form or menu can now access share the collection of PL/SQL functions and procedures.
4.Object Libraries
It is a collection of form objects that you can use in other modules. You can create it to store, maintain and distribute standard objects that can be reuse across the entire development organization.
5. Object Group (Form Builder)
An object group is a container for a group of objects. You define an object group when you want to
package related objects so you can copy or subclass them in another module.
Block is logical owner of items. It provides a mechanism for grouping related items into a functional unit for storing, displaying and manipulating records.
These are interface objects that present data values to the user or enable the user to interact with the form.
3. Canvas
A canvas is the background object upon which interface items appear.
4. Frames
Frames are used to arrange items with in a block.
5. Windows
Windows contains for all visual objects that make up a form builder application.
6. PL/SQL Code Block
It is used for event driven code. That code automatically executes when a specific event occurs.
Form Built - ins
Causes Form Builder to remove all records from, or flush, the current form, and puts the input focus in
the first item of the first block.
Causes Form Builder to update data in the database to match data in the form. Form Builder first
validates the form, then, for each block in the form, deletes, inserts, and updates to the database, and performs a database commit. As a result of the database commit, the database releases all row and table locks.
Toggles debug mode on and off in a menu. When debug mode is on in a menu, Form Builder issues an appropriate message when a menu item command executes.
Validates data in the current validation unit. (The default validation unit is Item.)
Removes an indicated global variable, so that it no longer exists, and releases the memory associated with the global variable. Global always allocate 255 bytes of storage. To ensure that performance is not impacted more than necessary, always erase any global variable when it is no longer needs
EXECUTE_TRIGGER executes an indicated trigger.
Provides a means to exit a form, confirming commits and specifying rollback action.
Searches the list of forms and returns a form module ID when it finds a valid form with the given name. You must define an appropriately typed variable to accept the return value. Define the variable with a type of Form module.
Returns a value that indicates the outcome of the action most recently
performed during the current Runform session.
Use FORM_FAILURE to test the outcome of a built–in to determine
further processing within any trigger. To get the correct results, you
must perform the test immediately after the action executes. That is,
another action should not occur prior to the test.
** Built–in: FORM_FAILURE
** Example: Determine if the most recently executed built–in
** failed.
** If some validation failed and prevented us from leaving
** the current block, then stop executing this trigger.
** Generally it is recommended to test
** IF NOT Form_Success THEN ...
** Rather than explicitly testing for FORM_FAILURE
IF Form_Failure THEN
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
Returns the outcome of the action most recently performed during the current Runform session.
Use FORM_FATAL to test the outcome of a built–in to determine further processing within any trigger. To get the correct results, you must perform the test immediately after the action executes. That is, another action should not occur prior to the test.
/* ** Built–in: FORM_FATAL
** Example: Check whether the most–recently executed built–in had a fatal error.*/
User_Exit(’Calculate_Line_Integral control.start control.stop’);
** If the user exit code returned a fatal error, print a
** message and stop executing this trigger.
** Generally it is recommended to test **
** Rather than explicitly testing for FORM_FATAL
IF Form_Fatal THEN
Message(’Cannot calculate the Line Integral due to internal error.’);
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
Returns the outcome of the action most recently performed during the current Runform session.
Use FORM_SUCCESS to test the outcome of a built–in to determine further processing within any trigger. To get the correct results, you must perform the test immediately after the action executes. That is, another action should not occur prior to the test.
Note: FORM_SUCCESS should not be used to test whether a COMMIT_FORM or POST built–in has succeeded. Because COMMIT_FORM may cause many other triggers to fire, when you
evaluate FORM_SUCCESS it may not reflect the status of COMMIT_FORM but of some other, more recently executed built–in.
A more accurate technique is to check that the SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS variable is set to ’QUERY’ after the operation is done.
** Built–in: FORM_SUCCESS
** Example: Check whether the most–recently executed built–in ** succeeded.
/* ** Force validation to occur*/
/* ** If the validation succeeded, then Commit the data. ** */
IF Form_Success THEN
IF :System.Form_Status <> ’QUERY’ THEN
Message(’Error prevented Commit’);
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
FORMS_DDL( statement);
Issues dynamic SQL statements at runtime, including server–side PL/SQL and DDL.
Note: All DDL operations issue an implicit COMMIT and will end the current transaction without allowing Oracle Forms to process any pending changes
If you use FORMS_DDL to execute a valid PL/SQL block:
· Use semicolons where appropriate.
· Enclose the PL/SQL block in a valid BEGIN/END block structure.
· Do not end the PL/SQL block with a slash.
· Line breaks, while permitted, are not required.
If you use FORMS_DDL to execute a single DML or DDL statement:
Example 1:
/* ** Built–in: FORMS_DDL ** Example: The expression can be a string literal.*/
Forms_DDL(’create table temp(n NUMBER)’);
IF NOT Form_Success THEN
Message (’Table Creation Failed’);
Message (’Table Created’);
Example 2:
/* ** Built–in: FORMS_DDL ** Example: The string can be an expression or variable.
** Create a table with n Number columns. ** TEMP(COL1, COL2, ..., COLn).
PROCEDURE Create_N_Column_Number_Table (n NUMBER) IS my_stmt VARCHAR2(2000);
my_stmt := ’create table tmp(COL1 NUMBER’;
FOR I in 2..N LOOP
my_stmt := my_stmt||’,COL’||TO_CHAR(i)||’ NUMBER’;
my_stmt := my_stmt||’)’;
/* ** Now, create the table... */
IF NOT Form_Success THEN
Message (’Table Creation Failed’);
Message (’Table Created’);
Example 3:
/* ** Built–in: FORMS_DDL ** Example: The statement parameter can be a block
** of dynamically created PL/SQL code. */
procname VARCHAR2(30);
IF :global.flag = ’TRUE’ THEN
procname := ’Assign_New_Employer’;
procname := ’Update_New_Employer’;
Forms_DDL(’Begin ’|| procname ||’; End;’);
IF NOT Form_Success THEN
Message (’Employee Maintenance Failed’);
Message (’Employee Maintenance Successful’);
Example 4:
/* ** Built–in: FORMS_DDL ** Example: Issue the SQL statement passed in as an argument,
** and return a number representing the outcome of ** executing the SQL statement.
** A result of zero represents success. */
FUNCTION Do_Sql (stmt VARCHAR2, check_for_locks BOOLEAN := TRUE)
Message (’DO_SQL: Passed a null statement.’);
IF Check_For_Locks AND :System.Form_Status = ’CHANGED’ THEN
Message (’DO_SQL: Form has outstanding locks pending.’);
IF Form_Success THEN
RETURN Dbms_Error_Code;
Returns information about the given form. If your application is a multi-form application, then you can call this built-in to return information about the calling form, as well as about the current, or called form.
Returns a BOOLEAN value that indicates whether the object ID is available.
Exits the current form and enters the indicated form. The calling form is terminated as the parent form. If the calling form had been called by a higher form, Oracle Forms keeps the higher call active and treats it as a call to the new form. Oracle Forms releases memory (such as database cursors) that the terminated form was using.
Oracle Forms runs the new form with the same Runform options as the parent form. If the parent form was a called form, Oracle Forms runs the new form with the same options as the parent form.
NEW_FORM (formmodule_name VARCHAR2, rollback_mode,query_mode,data_mode,paramlist_name )
Specifies the formmodule name of the called form. The name must be enclosed in single quotes. The data type of the name is CHAR.
TO_SAVEPOINT Oracle Forms rolls back all uncommitted changes (including posted changes)
to the current form’s savepoint.
NO_ROLLBACK Oracle Forms exits the current form without rolling back to a savepoint. You can leave the top level form without performing a rollback, which means that you retain any locks across a NEW_FORM operation. These locks can also occur when invoking Oracle Forms from an external 3GL program. The locks are still in effect when you regain control from Oracle Forms.
FULL_ROLLBACK Oracle Forms rolls back all uncommitted changes (including posted changes) that were made during the current Runform session. You cannot specify a FULL_ROLLBACK from a form that is running in post–only mode. (Post–only mode can occur when your form issues a call to another form while unposted records exist in the calling form. To avoid losing the locks issued by the calling form, Oracle Forms prevents any commit processing in the called form.)
Takes one of the following constants as an argument:
NO_QUERY_ONLY Runs the indicated form normally, allowing the operator to perform inserts, updates, and deletes in the form.
QUERY_ONLY Runs the indicated form as a query–only form.
Specifies the unique ID Oracle Forms assigns when it creates the parameter list. Specify a parameter list when you want to pass parameters from the calling form to the new form. The data type of the ID is PARAMLIST.
A parameter list passed to a form via NEW_FORM cannot contain parameters of type DATA_PARAMETER (a pointer to record group).
The name you gave the parameter list object when you defined it. The data type of the name is CHAR. A parameter list passed to a form via NEW_FORM cannot contain parameters of type
DATA_PARAMETER (a pointer to record group).
Runs an indicated form while keeping the parent form active. Oracle Forms runs the called form with the same Runform preferences as the parent form. When the called form is exited Oracle Forms processing resumes in the calling form at the point from which you initiated the
call to CALL_FORM.
CALL_FORM (formmodule_name VARCHAR2, display NUMBER, switch_menu NUMBER, query_mode NUMBER, data_mode NUMBER, paramlist_name VARCHAR2);
Specifies the formmodule name of the called form. The name must be enclosed in single quotes. The data type of the name is CHAR.
Specify one of the following constants as an argument:
HIDE Causes Oracle Forms to clear the calling form from the screen before drawing the called
form. HIDE is the default parameter.
NO_HIDE Causes Oracle Forms to display the called form without clearing the calling form from the screen.
Takes one of the following constants as an argument:
NO_REPLACE Causes Oracle Forms to keep the default menu application of the calling form active for the called form.
DO_REPLACE Causes Oracle Forms to replace the default menu application of the calling form
with the default menu application of the called form.
Takes one of the following constants as an argument:
NO_QUERY_ONLY Causes Oracle Forms to run the indicated form in normal mode, allowing the operator to perform inserts, updates, and deletes from within the called form.
QUERY_ONLY Causes Oracle Forms to run the indicated form in Query Only mode, allowing the operator to query, but not to insert, update, or delete records.
Specifies the unique ID Oracle Forms assigns when it creates the parameter list. You can optionally include a parameter list as initial input to the called form. The data type of the ID is PARAMLIST.
The name you gave the parameter list object when you defined it. The data type of the name is CHAR.
Opens the indicated form. Call OPEN_FORM to create multiple–form applications, that is, applications that open more than one form at the same time.
OPEN_FORM (form_name VARCHAR2, activate_mode NUMBER, session_mode NUMBER, data_mode NUMBER, paramlist_id PARAMLIST);
Specifies the CHAR name of the form to open.
ACTIVATE Sets focus to the form to make it the active form in the application.
NO_ACTIVATE Opens the form but does not set focus to the form. The current form remains
NO_SESSION Specifies that the opened form should share the same database session as the
current form. A COMMIT operation in any form will cause validation and commit processing to
occur for all forms running in the same session.
SESSION Specifies that a new, separate database session should be created for the opened form.
Specifies the CHAR name of a parameter list to be passed to the opened form.
Specifies the unique ID that Oracle Forms assigns to the parameter list at the time it is created. Use the GET_PARAMETER_LIST function to return the ID to a variable of type PARAMLIST.
OPEN_FORM( form_name);
OPEN_FORM( form_name,activate_mode);
OPEN_FORM( form_name,activate_mode,session_mode);
OPEN_FORM( form_name,activate_mode,session_mode,paramlist_name);
OPEN_FORM( form_name,activate_mode,session_mode,paramlist_id);
Replaces the current menu with the specified menu, but does not make the new menu active. REPLACE_MENU also allows you to change the way the menu displays and the role.
Sets a property of the given form.
SET_FORM_PROPERTY( formmodule_id, property, value);
SET_FORM_PROPERTY( formmodule_name, property, value);
The GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY built–in returns information about the current Oracle Forms application. You must call this built–in once for each value you want to retrieve.
tm_name := Get_Application_Property(TIMER_NAME);
Example 2:
** Example: Capture the username and password of the ** currently logged–on user, for use in calling ** another Tool.
PROCEDURE Get_Connect_Info( the_username IN OUT VARCHAR2,
the_password IN OUT VARCHAR2,
the_connect IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS
the_username := Get_Application_Property(USERNAME);
the_password := Get_Application_Property(PASSWORD);
the_connect := Get_Application_Property(CONNECT_STRING);
Form- System Variables
SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM represents the name of the form that Form Builder is executing. The value is always a character string.
:GLOBAL.Calling_Form := :System.Current_Form;
SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS represents the status of the current form. The value can be one of three character strings:
CHANGED Indicates that the form contains at least one block with a Changed
record. The value of SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS becomes CHANGED only after at least one record in the form has been changed and the associated navigation unit has also changed.
NEW Indicates that the form contains only New records.
QUERY Indicates that a query is open. The form contains at least one block with QUERY records and no blocks with CHANGED records.
IF :System.Form_Status = ’CHANGED’THEN
SYSTEM.MODE indicates whether the form is in Normal, Enter Query, or Fetch Processing mode. The value is always a character string.
NORMAL Indicates that the form is currently in normal processing mode.
ENTER-QUERY Indicates that the form is currently in Enter Query mode.
QUERY Indicates that the form is currently in fetch processing mode, meaning that a query is currently being processed.
Assume that you want Oracle Forms to display an LOV when the operator enters query mode and the input focus is in a particular text item. The following trigger accomplishes that operation.
/* ** When–New–Item–Instance Trigger */
IF :System.Cursor_Item = ’EMP.EMPNO’ and :System.Mode = ’ENTER–QUERY’ THEN
IF NOT Show_Lov(’my_lov’) THEN
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
End if;
Block is logical owner of items. It provides a mechanism for grouping related items into a functional unit for storing, displaying and manipulating records.
Types of Blocks
1. Data Blocks
Data blocks are associated with data (table columns) within a database.
By default, the association between a data block and the database allows operators to automatically query, update, insert, and delete rows within a database.
Data blocks can be based on database tables, views, procedures, or transactional
2. Control Blocks
A control block is not associated with the database, and the items in a control block do not relate to table columns within a database.
All blocks are either single-record or multi-record blocks:
A single-record block displays one record at a time.
A multi-record block displays more than one record at a time.
In addition, a data block can also be a master or detail block:
Master block displays a master record associated with detail records displayed in a
detail block.
A detail block displays detail records associated with a master record displayed in
master block.
Block Built - ins
1. BLOCK_MENU built-in
Displays a list of values (LOV) containing the sequence number and names of valid blocks in your form. Form Builder sets the input focus to the first enterable item in the block you select from the LOV.
** Built–in: BLOCK_MENU ** Example: Calls up the list of blocks in the form when the
** user clicks a button, and prints a message if ** the user chooses a new block out of the list
to ** which to navigate. */
prev_blk VARCHAR2(40) := :System.Cursor_Block;
IF :System.Cursor_Block <> prev_blk THEN
Message(’You successfully navigated to a new block!’);
2. CLEAR_BLOCK built-in
Causes Form Builder to remove all records from, or "flush," the current block.
The optional action parameter takes the following possible constants as arguments:
Form Builder prompts the end user to commit the changes during CLEAR_BLOCK
Form Builder validates the changes, performs a commit, and flushes the current block without prompting the end user.
Form Builder validates the changes and flushes the current block without performing a commit or prompting the end user.
Form Builder flushes the current block without validating the changes, committing the changes, or prompting the end user.
Searches the list of valid blocks and returns a unique block ID. You must define an appropriately typed variable to accept the return value. Define the variable with a type of Block.
Returns information about a specified block. You must issue a call to the built-in once for each property value you want to retrieve.
GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY( block_id, property);
GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY( block_name, property);
** Determine the (1) Current Record the cursor is in,
** (2) Current Record which is visible at the
** first (top) line of the multirecord
** block.
cur_rec := Get_Block_Property( bk_id, CURRENT_RECORD);
top_rec := Get_Block_Property( bk_id, TOP_RECORD);
GO_BLOCK navigates to an indicated block. If the target block is non-enterable , an
error occurs.
Returns a BOOLEAN value that indicates whether the object ID is available.
Navigates to the first navigable item in the next enterable block in the navigation
Navigates to the first navigable item in the previous enterable block in the navigation
Sets the given block characteristic of the given block.
SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY( block_id, property, value);
SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY( block_name, property, value);
/* ** Built–in: SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY
** Example: Prevent future inserts, updates, and deletes to ** queried records in the block whose name is ** passed as an argument to this procedure. */
PROCEDURE Make_Block_Query_Only( blk_name IN VARCHAR2 )
blk_id Block;
/* Lookup the block’s internal ID */
blk_id := Find_Block(blk_name);
/* ** If the block exists (ie the ID is Not NULL) then set ** the three properties for this block. Otherwise signal ** an error. */
IF NOT Id_Null(blk_id) THEN
Message(’Block ’||blk_name||’ does not exist.’);
RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
Block - System Variables
SYSTEM.BLOCK_STATUS represents the status of a Data block where the cursor is located, or the current data block during trigger processing. The value can be one of three character strings:
CHANGED Indicates that the block contains at least one Changed record.
NEW Indicates that the block contains only New records.
QUERY Indicates that the block contains only Valid records that have been retrieved
from the database.
Assume that you want to create a trigger that performs a commit before clearing a block if there are changes to commit within that block.
The following Key–CLRBLK trigger performs this function.
IF :System.Block_Status = ’CHANGED’
THEN Commit_Form;
The value that the SYSTEM.CURRENT_BLOCK system variable represents depends on the
current navigation unit:
If the current navigation unit is the block, record, or item (as in the Pre- and Post- Item,
Record, and Block triggers), the value of SYSTEM.CURRENT_BLOCK is the name of the block
that Form Builder is processing or that the cursor is in.
If the current navigation unit is the form (as in the Pre- and Post-Form triggers), the value of
The value that the SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK system variable represents depends on the
current navigation unit:
If the current navigation unit is the block, record, or item (as in the Pre- and Post- Item,
Record, and Block triggers), the value of SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK is the name of the block where the cursor is located. The value is always a character string.
If the current navigation unit is the form (as in the Pre- and Post-Form triggers), the value of
Assume that you want to create a Key–NXTBLK trigger at the form level that navigates depending on what the current block is. The following trigger performs this function, using
:SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK stored in a local variable.
curblk VARCHAR2(30);
curblk := :System.Cursor_Block;
IF curblk = ’ORDERS’ THEN
This system variable works with its companion SYSTEM.COORDINATION_OPERATION to help an On-Clear-Details trigger determine what type of coordination-causing operation fired the trigger, and on which master block of a master/detail relation.
SYSTEM.TRIGGER_BLOCK represents the name of the block where the cursor was located when the current trigger initially fired. The value is NULL if the current trigger is a Pre- or Post-Form trigger. The value is always a character string.
Assume that you want to write a form–level procedure that navigates to the block where the cursor was when the current trigger initially fired. The following statement performs this function.
Block – Based Triggers [Block Processing Trigger]
When-Create-Record, When-Clear-Block, When-Database-Record, When-Remove-Record
A master-detail relationship is an association between two data blocks that reflects a primary-foreign key relationship between the database tables on which the two data blocks are based. The master data block is based on the table with the primary key, and the detail data block is based on the table with the foreign key. A master-detail relationship equates to the one-to-many relationship in the entity relationship diagram.
A Detail Block Can Be a Master
You can create block relationships in which the detail of one master-detail link is the master for another link.
What Is a Relation?
A relation is a Form Builder object that handles the relationship between two associated blocks.
You can create a relation either:
• Implicitly with a master-detail form module
• Explicitly in the Object Navigator
Implicit Relations
When you create a master-detail form module, a relation is automatically created. This relation is named masterblock_detailblock, for example, S_ORD_S_ITEM.
Explicit Relations
If a relation is not established when default blocks are created, you can create your own by setting the properties in the New Relation dialog box. Like implicitly created relations, PL/SQL program units and triggers are created automatically when you explicitly create a relation.
Master Deletes
You can prevent, propagate, or isolate deletion of a record in a master block when corresponding records exist in the detail block by setting the Master Deletes property.
For example, you can delete all corresponding line items when an order is deleted.
Property Use
Ø Non-Isolated Prevents the deletion of the master record when the detail records exist
Ø Cascading Deletes the detail records when a master record is deleted
Ø Isolated Deletes only the master record
What Happens When You Modify a Relation?
• Changing the Master Deletes property from the default of Non-Isolated to Cascading
replaces the On-Check-Delete-Master trigger with the Pre- Delete trigger.
• Changing the Master Deletes property from the default of Non-Isolated to Isolated results in the removal of the On-Check-Delete-Master trigger.
Master Deletes property
Resulting triggers
Non-Isolated (the default)
You can control how the detail records are displayed when a master block is queried by setting the coordination property. For example, you can defer querying the line items for an order until the operator navigates to the item block.
Default [Immediate]
The default setting. When a coordination-causing event occurs, the detail records are fetched immediately. (Deferred False, Auto-Query False)
Deferred with Auto Query
Oracle Forms defers fetching the associated detail records until the operator navigates to the detail data block.
Deferred Without Auto Query
When coordination-causing event occurs, Oracle Forms does not automatically fetch the detail records. To fetch the detail records, the operator must navigate to the detail data block and explicitly execute a query.
Prevent Masterless Operation
Ensures that the detail data block cannot be queried or used to insert records when a master record is not currently displayed.
Join Condition
Use to:
• Create links between blocks using SQL
• Alter links between blocks using SQL Define using:
• Usual SQL equi-join condition syntax
• Block names instead of the base table names
• Item names that exist in the form module instead of base table column names
Ø Master-detail triggers
On-Check-Delete-Master, On-Populate-Details, On-Clear-Details
This object represents an internal Form Builder data structure that has a column/row framework similar to a database table.
Query record group
A query record group is a record group that has an associated SELECT statement. The columns in a query record group derive their default names, data types, and lengths from the database columns referenced in the SELECT statement. The records in a query record group are the rows retrieved by the query associated with that record group. Query record groups can be created and modified at design time or at runtime.
Non-query record group
A non-query record group is a group that does not have an associated query, but whose structure and values can be modified programmatically at runtime. Non-query record groups can be created and modified only at runtime.
Static record group
A static record group is not associated with a query; instead, you define its structure and row values at design time, and they remain fixed at runtime. Static record groups can be created and modified only at design time.
Record Group built-in subprograms
Creating and deleting groups:
A] CREATE_GROUP (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2, scope NUMBER, array_fetch_size NUMBER)
Creates a non-query record group with the given name
B] CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2, query VARCHAR2, scope NUMBER, array_fetch_size NUMBER);
Creates a record group with the given name. The record group has columns representing each column you include in the select list of the query
C] DELETE_GROUP (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2);
Deletes a programmatically created record group.
Modifying a group's structure:
ADD_GROUP_COLUMN (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2, groupcolumn_name VARCHAR2,column_type NUMBER, column_width NUMBER)
Adds a column of the specified type to the given record group.
ADD_GROUP_ROW (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2, row_number NUMBER);
Adds a row to the given record group.
DELETE_GROUP_ROW (recordgroup_id RecordGroup, row_number NUMBER)
Deletes the indicated row or all rows of the given record group. Form Builder automatically decrements the row numbers of all rows that follow a deleted row. When rows are deleted, the appropriate memory is freed and available to Form Builder.
Populating Groups:
POPULATE_GROUP (recordgroup_id RecordGroup);
Executes the query associated with the given record group and returns a number indicating success or failure of the query. Upon a successful query, POPULATE_GROUP returns a 0 (zero). An unsuccessful query generates an ORACLE error number that corresponds to the particular SELECT statement failure. The rows that are retrieved as a result of a successful query replace any rows that exist in the group.
POPULATE_GROUP_WITH_QUERY (recordgroup_id RecordGroup, query VARCHAR2)
Populates a record group with the given query. The record group is cleared and rows that are fetched replace any existing rows in the record group.
SET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL(groupcolumn_id GroupColumn,row_number NUMBER,cell_value VARCHAR2)
Sets the value for the record group cell identified by the given row and column.
SET_GROUP_DATE_CELL (groupcolumn_id GroupColumn, row_number NUMBER, cell_value DATE);
Sets the value for the record group cell identified by the given row and column.
SET_GROUP_NUMBER_CELL(groupcolumn_id GroupColumn, row_number NUMBER,cell_value NUMBER);
Sets the value for the record group cell identified by the given row and column.
Getting cell values:
GET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL (groupcolumn_id GroupColumn, row_number NUMBER);
Returns the VARCHAR2 or LONG value for a record group cell identified by the given row and column. A cell is an intersection of a row and column.
Processing rows:
Object ID functions:
FUNCTION FIND_GROUP (recordgroup_name VARCHAR2);
Searches the list of record groups and returns a record group ID when it finds a valid group with the given name. You must define an appropriately typed variable to accept the return value. Define the variable with a type of RecordGroup.
FIND_COLUMN (function)
/* ** Built–in: CREATE_GROUP
** Example: Creates a record group and populates its values ** from a query.*/
rg_name VARCHAR2(40) := ’Salary_Range’;
rg_id RecordGroup;
gc_id GroupColumn;
errcode NUMBER;
/* ** Make sure the record group does not already exist. */
rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
/* ** If it does not exist, create it and add the two
** necessary columns to it. */
IF Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
rg_id := Create_Group(rg_name);
/* Add two number columns to the record group */
gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id, ’Base_Sal_Range’,
gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id, ’Emps_In_Range’,
** Populate group with a query
errcode := Populate_Group_With_Query( rg_id,
||’ORDER BY 1’);